Kurdistan Medical and Scientific Federation (KMSF) - UK Constitution


This Organization shall be known as Kurdistan Medical and Scientific Federation, hereinafter referred to as the “KMSF”.


  1. Member Organizations – Member Organizations means a bargaining agent or representative body with respect to collective bargaining that is a member of the Federation. 
  2. The Board – means the Executive Board;
  3. Chairperson – The Chairperson for the Federation;
  4. Constitution – means the Constitution of the Federation unless otherwise specified;
  5. Voting Delegate – means a member selected by a Member Organization who is registered as a delegate on behalf of her respective Organization at a Convention of the Federation and who has the right to speak to and vote on business of the Federation;
  6. Invited Guest – means any person whom the Chairperson or The Executive Board invites to attend all or part of a Convention of the Federation. Invited guests may speak to an issue with the consent of two-thirds of the voting delegates.


For the time being, the office of The Federation shall be in held virtual.


The Federation shall be the voice for Kurdish Doctors, healthcare professionals, academics, scientists and those with postgraduate certificates in allied subjects who reside outside Kurdistan – its objectives are to:

  1. Promote communication between member organisations;
  2. Safeguard and promote the academic and practical skills for all the members of the federation;
  3. Establish and promote active links between the Federation and healthcare and academic institutions in Kurdistan Region;
  4. Promote cooperation and unity between member organizations;
  5. Promote scientific and educational goals for the Kurdistan Region through active collaboration between experienced members of the federation and relevant institutions in Kurdistan;
  6. Promote and advocate for the highest standards of services that could found outside Kurdistan for adoption after.



In working towards the foregoing general objectives the Federation shall adhere to the following principles and standards of conduct:

  1. It shall be non-partisan;
  2. It shall give full recognition to the autonomy of its Member Organizations. All powers, other than those delegated to the Federation, shall remain with the Member Organizations whose fundamental autonomy and freedom shall be maintained by the Federation as a first principle;
  3. All Member Organizations shall become members of KMSF;
  4. It shall provide to its members a platform forum to seek assistance for research, legislative, public relations, educational and any other collective bargaining support.


  1. All bona fide members of a Member Organization shall hold membership in the Federation through their Organization;
  2. The Federation, by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Board, may accept additional Organizations as Member Organizations. Applications shall be supported by evidence that such is the wish of the applicant’s members;
  3. Membership Certificates shall be issued to all Member Organizations;
  4. A Member Organization may withdraw from the Federation subject to written notice of twelve (12) months being given to the Federation, supported by evidence that such is the decision of its membership;
  5. A Member Organization that has withdrawn from the Federation in the manner described above may make written application for re-admission to the Federation through the Board.


  1. The Biennial Convention of the Federation shall be held every two (2) years;
  2. The Convention shall be the supreme governing body of the Federation. The time and place of the Biennial Convention shall be determined by the Board;
  3. Notice of the time and place of the Convention shall be circulated to all Member Organizations of the Federation three months prior to the commencement of the Convention;
  4. Organizations in possession of a valid membership as a Member Organization with the Federation shall be entitled to representation at Federation Conventions by voting delegates selected by their respective Organizations. All delegates to Conventions must be members of the Organizations they represent. Each Member Organization may cast its full number of votes provided that it has at least one (1) voting delegate present at the Convention;
  5. A Special Convention of the Federation may be called at the written request, with signatures, of at least fifty per cent (50%) plus one (1) of the Board and/or ten per cent (10%) of the Federation membership. All expenses for meeting facilities arising out of the Special Convention will be borne equally by the member organizations;
  6. The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and Board Officers shall have full status as a voting delegate at Conventions by virtue of Office and shall each hold one (1) vote;
  7. Resolutions to the Federation may be submitted by any member of the Federation. Resolutions must be received at the Federation Office at least two months before the opening date of the Convention. Resolutions shall be circulated to all Member Organizations at least one month prior to the commencement of the Convention;
  8. Emergent resolutions will be accepted at the Convention up to the deadline established on the agenda;
  9. Any Member Organization which, is in arrears to the Federation for membership dues shall not be entitled to recognition or representation at the Convention;
  10. Any Organization which has not applied for and obtained a Membership Certificate at least one (1) month prior to the Convention, shall not be allowed representation;
  11. Unless otherwise specified in this Constitution, a majority of votes shall be sufficient to pass resolutions or make decisions for the Convention.


  1. There shall be a Board to oversee the activities of KMSF;
  2. The Board shall be comprised of: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and a member to represent each Member Organisation;
  3. The chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at each regular Convention. Nominations for these positions must be received in writing by the Federation showing the mover and seconder of the nominations at least three months prior to the commencement of the Convention and the Ticket of Nominations shall be circulated to all Member Organizations at least one month prior to the commencement of the Convention;
  4. The Nominee for the above positions shall be responsible for submitting:
    1. Signed nomination form;
    2. All relevant biographical information within the times described in the point above.
  5. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the Biennium only if there has been no nomination to the position of The Chairperson, or Secretary and Treasurer;
  6. The election of the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer of the Federation shall be by secret ballot. A majority of votes cast shall be required before any candidate can be declared elected, and second and subsequent ballots shall be taken if necessary to obtain such a majority. On the second and subsequent ballots, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes in the previous ballot shall be dropped. In case of a final tie vote, the presiding officer may cast the deciding vote;
  7. The terms of office of elected officers of the Federation shall commence at the adjournment of the Convention at which they were elected;
  8. In the event of a vacancy or a leave of absence of less than one year, in the office of the Chairperson, the Secretary shall perform the duties of the Chairperson for the unexpired term or leave of absence. Should the Secretary be unable to act as Chairperson, the Secretary shall, within fifteen (15) days of becoming aware of the vacancy or the leave of absence, call a meeting of the Board upon ten (10) days notice, for the purpose of filling the vacancy or the leave of absence from among the members of the Board. In the event of a vacancy or leave of absence of one year or more, the unexpired term or leave of absence shall be filled in a manner determined by the Board;
  9. In the event of a vacancy or a leave of absence in the Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, the Chairperson shall, within fifteen (15) days of becoming aware of the vacancy or the leave of absence, call a meeting of the Board upon ten (10) days notice, for the purpose of filling the vacancy or the leave of absence from among the members of the Board.
  10. The Board shall:
  11. Take such action and render such decisions as may be necessary to carry out fully the decisions and instructions of the Convention of the Federation and to enforce the provisions contained in this Constitution.
  12. Establish such advisory committees as may be deemed appropriate.
  13. Be recognized by Member Organizations as the governing body under the terms of the Constitution except when the Federation is in Convention.
  14. Meet at least twice a year.
  15. Meet at the call of the Chairperson or at the request of half the members of the Executive Board made in writing to the Chairperson.
  16. Reimburse members of the Board for necessary expenses in performing their duties for the Federation in relation to specific duties assigned by the Board.
  17. Be authorized to alter membership dues between Conventions, when such an alternation results in a reduction of dues.
  18. Each Member of the Board shall be entitled to one (1) vote at Board meetings and a quorum for such meetings shall be a majority of the members of the Board and a majority of Member Organizations;
  19. The Board shall, as it considers necessary, cause to have such members of the Board and staff of the Federation to be bonded in such amounts as necessary.


The Chairperson shall:

  1. Be the head of the Federation. He/She shall be accountable for the affairs of the Federation, sign all official documents and preside at all Conventions and meetings of the Board;
  2. Be the official spokesperson of the Federation;
  3. Report on the administration of their Office and on the affairs of the Federation to the Convention through the report of the Board.


The Secretary and Treasurer shall:

  1. Carry out the duties as assigned by the Chairperson and act in lieu of the Chairperson in her absence.
  2. Be the chief financial officer of the Federation and shall cause to be kept the books, documents, files and effects of the Federation which shall, at all times, be subject to inspection by the Board.
  3. Be responsible for the preparation of a financial report of the Federation for each meeting of the Board.
  4. Have the books of the Federation audited and an audited financial statement prepared at a nominated time each year. Such audited financial statements shall be furnished to the Board and the Convention.
  5. Report on the administration of his / her Office to the Convention.
  6. Be empowered to require Member Organizations to provide statistical data in their possession relating to the number of persons paying dues to the Member Organization.


  1. The revenue of the Federation shall be derived from membership dues as determined at the Convention. Such dues shall be payable by Member Organizations on the full dues paying membership of each Organization.
  2. Each Member Organization shall forward to the Federation before the last day of each month the membership dues payable for that month.


  1. Disputes between Member Organizations shall be addressed in accordance with the policy of the Federation.
  2. Inter-organizational disputes shall be resolved according to the Constitution.


  1. Non-compliance with the Constitution, or action by a Member Organization to the detriment of the objectives and/or activities of the Federation, shall be regarded as grounds for discipline, suspension or expulsion from the Federation, as determined by the Board.


  1. The Constitution of the Federation may be amended by the Convention by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Amendments to the Constitution can be submitted by the Board or by Member Organizations. Amendments must be submitted to the Federation at least three months prior to the opening day of the Convention and must be circulated to all Member Organizations at least one month prior to the commencement of the Convention.
  2. All constitutional amendments shall, unless otherwise specified, take effect immediately after they are adopted.